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An HR/L&D Primer on Generative AI

How will generative AI affect HR and L&D? It’s the question of the moment if you’re a professional working in these fields. And it is clear that the transformation will be unprecedented.

In this Blanchard point-of-view eBook, six Blanchard thought leaders weigh in on the challenges leadership, learning, and talent development professionals are facing in today’s changing environment.

Upcoming Event

Blanchard Summit

Attend our Leadership Summit Oct. 8-10 in Dana Point, CA

Learning Sessions and Networking for L&D Leaders, Instructional Designers, and Delivery Experts

At this two-day conference, you will discover innovations for creating and delivering high-impact learning designs. You'll walk away with new solutions for designing, implementing, and measuring learning programs to grow leaders effectively and increase organizational engagement and performance.

Upcoming Webinar

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July 24, 2024
7:00 AM Pacific Time

Transforming Leadership Development: From Design Thinking to Digital Integration

In this first session of the Blanchard Leadership Summit Showcase, explore modern instructional design from four different angles in short 10-minute segments. Each presentation will feature a practical strategy paired with an actionable insight. Topics covered include:

  • Leveraging Design Thinking
  • The 5 Drivers of Learning Impact
  • Building Powerful Curated Content Designs
  • Integrating Technology Into L&D Designs

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JULY 2024

Addressing Today’s Top Learning Challenges

Designing for today’s modern learner can be a challenge. There are a lot of different factors for instructional designers to keep in mind. In preparation for presentations at the 2024 Blanchard Leadership Summit, leaders and solutions architects from Blanchard’s Design Studio and Innovation Lab have identified some of the top challenges they face—and how to solve them. Read More

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