student writing in notebook

Student Self Leadership Collaborative Online Course

Learn the mindset and skill set to get what you need to succeed in life

Teens shouldn’t have to wait until they are adults to learn to lead themselves through life’s inevitable challenges. Blanchard’s Student Self Leadership public course teaches skills that enable youth to overcome barriers, persevere against life’s challenges, and lead others to do the same.

This four-week online collaborative leadership course for high school students covers how to become an empowered self leader—someone who knows how to ask for help and feedback to take charge of their goals in life.

Course Outcomes

Student Self Leadership teaches young adults how to thrive at school and work, in their activities, with their friends, and in their community. When they are empowered to be self leaders, they will find success.

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Own Your Growth

Take initiative for your own growth instead of waiting for someone else to do it for you.
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Communicate Better

Learn how to ask for the direction and support you need to be successful.
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Gain Confidence

Change your “I can’t” thinking into “I can’t YET.”
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Set Clear Goals

Strive for accomplishments you want to achieve and measure your progress along the way.
teen smiling

Learning Objectives

This self leadership training program for students will help teens:

  • Develop their inner leader
  • Understand what could be holding them back
  • Identify powers they didn’t know they had
  • Be more proactive and responsible
  • Make more progress with less frustration
  • Gain the right skills to achieve their goals
  • Advocate for themselves when they need help

Course Details

The Student Self Leadership learning journey happens in a collaborative, moderated class that takes place over four weeks using the intuitive Intrepid® platform. Each week is capped by a one-hour live-virtual session facilitated by Blanchard’s student leadership experts. Here’s the journey students will take to become empowered self leaders:

Week 1: Get Started—How are you limiting yourself?

Week 2: Find your Power—How can you take responsibility for yourself?

Week 3: Set Compelling Goals—How should you set goals and measure progress?

Week 4: Be the Leader YOU Are—What is your plan to move forward?

Who Should Attend

This course will benefit students between 14-18 years old who want to:

  • Understand how to navigate the world
  • Reach their full potential
  • Thrive in school, extracurricular activities, and at home
I never thought my personal power was so inspiring. This class really helped me gain confidence in myself that I was actually doing something.
High School Program Participant