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Stay updated on the latest industry trends through articles written by Blanchard’s thought leaders.

How L&D Can Support LGBTQ+ Inclusion

Curious about exactly what inclusive organizations do to “get it right”? This Pride month, ATD reached out to April Hennessey, director of innovation and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) practice lead at Blanchard, to learn more about her work helping to create inclusive workplaces.
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2 Essential Practices for Leading in the Hybrid Workplace

Given the increasing number of people who are working remotely, how do managers keep their people engaged and give them the direction and support they need?
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Manager, Mentor or Coach? Help! We Need Some Distinctions!

More organizations are asking their managers to coach their people. Others are telling their managers to mentor their people. Some provide training and clarity on what is meant by these terms, but many more don’t. The terms left undefined are also unmeasured.
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3 Timeless Principles of Leadership

Over the years, my colleagues and I have embraced numerous ideas about leadership that fall under the category of servant leadership. Three timeless leadership principles have risen to the top.
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Generative AI Comes to Leadership Development

How might we leverage generative AI so that it’s useful in leadership development without becoming another tool we rely on so heavily that it becomes the punchline of how not to lead?
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4 Strategies to Transform Quiet Quitters into Passionate Performers

Trust, hope, sense of worth and competence are the fundamentals to engage and retain top talent.
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3 Ways to Keep Employees Energized and Engaged

What can leaders do to create a workplace that engages people and contributes to their well-being, rather than stressing them and burning them out?
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Using an Innovation Framework to Drive The Great Recharge and Recommitment

For organizations to establish a new normal and have employees and employers recommit to each other, it will take teamwork, socialization and courage.
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Don’t Overlook This One Essential Element in Your Remote Onboarding Strategy

The most critical aspect of remote onboarding is often the most overlooked: trust.
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Using Online Communities to Extend the Learning Experience

As L&D leaders, we can take simple steps to cultivate an online community by starting small and building over time.
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Mentoring Meets the Metaverse

With the right application, the Metaverse can have a transformative effect on the mentor and mentee.
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The 2 Sides of Boss/Employee Feedback

Giving and receiving feedback without judgment — whether up or down the hierarchy — is a best practice for any leader who strives to achieve both great relationships and great results.
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